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Pixologic ZBrush v2021.1.1 [GOOGLE DRIVE 1-part]


Pixologic : ZBrush 2021 Features

ZBrush 2021

ZBrush 2021 introduces a Dynamics system along with Controlled Cloth Sculpting and a revisiting of our Dynamic Subdivision feature. We’ve also added new features to ZModeler, as well as introducing iMage 3D support to ZBrush and giving it the ability to open native-format files created by ZBrushCoreMini.

The ZBrush engine itself has also been enhanced, finding ways to improve performance across the board. You will find that ZBrush 2021 sculpts more fluidly, as well as taking less time to perform other operations such as DynaMesh.

Check out all of the new features here! (redirect to official site)



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